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occupied Palestinian territory: Protection of Civilians Report

Jul 21, 2023


Latest Developments (after the reporting period)

This section is based on initial information from different sources. Further confirmed details will be provided in the next report.

Highlights from the reporting period


1 Palestinians killed or injured by people who are not members of Israeli forces, e.g., by Israeli civilians or with Palestinian rockets falling short, as well as those whose immediate cause of death or the perpetrator’s identity remain disputed, unclear, or unknown, are counted separately. In this reporting period, one Palestinian killed by an Israeli settler is counted separately.

2 Israeli casualties in these charts include people who were injured while running to shelters during Palestinian rocket attacks. Foreign nationals killed in Palestinian attacks and people whose immediate cause of death or the perpetrator’s identity remain disputed, unclear, or unknown, are counted separately.

This report reflects information available as of the time of publication. The most updated data and more breakdowns are available at

Download ReportLatest Developments (after the reporting period)Highlights from the reporting periodIsraeli forces killed six Palestinians, including one child, during Israeli force operations across the West Bank, some of which involved exchanges of fire with Palestinians.The number of Palestinians killed in the West Bank and Israel by Israeli forces so far in 2023 (172) has surpassed the total number killed in all of 2022 (155), which already saw the highest fatalities in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since 2005.Three Israelis were killed in two shooting attacks in Nablus and Hebron.This brings to 29 the number of Israelis killed by Palestinians or in Palestinian attacks so far in 2023 in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel, in addition to a foreign national, compared with a total of six fatalities in the equivalent period of 2022.During the reporting period, 559 Palestinians, including at least 148 children, were injured by Israeli forces across the West Bank, including 21 people by live ammunition.Since the beginning of the year a total of 705 Palestinians have been injured with live ammunition by Israeli forces in the West Bank, almost double the number in the equivalent period in 2022 (411).Four Palestinian were injured by Israeli settlers; and people known or believed to be settlers damaged Palestinian property in another 19 instances across the West Bank.The Israeli authorities demolished a donor-funded school in Ramallah governorate.In addition to the above school, the Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated, or forced people to demolish an additional 33 structures in East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank, including ten homes, citing the lack of Israeli-issued building permits, which are almost impossible to obtain.On 8 August, Israeli forces raided Askar Refugee camp (Nablus), in Area B, and demolished on punitive grounds the home of a family member accused of killing two Israeli settlers in February 2023.Since the beginning of 2023, 16 homes and one agricultural structure have been demolished on punitive grounds, compared with 14 structures in all of 2022 and three in 2021. Punitive demolitions are a form of collective punishment and as such are illegal under international law.Israeli forces restricted the movement of Palestinians in various locations across the West Bank, disrupting the access of thousands of Palestinians to livelihoods and services.In the Gaza Strip, in at least eight incidents, Israeli forces opened “warning fire” near Israel’s perimeter fence or off the coast.Also in the Gaza Strip, on 21 August, Palestinians demonstrated along Israel’s perimeter fence with Israel marking the 54th anniversary of burning Al-Aqsa Mosque.Footnotes