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Man Sticks 11 Cans To Head Using Air Suction

Jun 19, 2024

A Japanese man recently made news by attempting to break a pretty unusual world record in a magnificent display of determination and ambition. He set out to complete an unusual task, placing 11 cans on his head and keeping them balanced using air suction.

Inspired by many eccentric records that have captivated the world's attention in recent years, this man's desire to push the boundaries of human capabilities is nothing short of astounding. The daring candidate took centre stage as he set out to finish an impossible goal, with spectators avidly watching his unusual achievement unfold.

New record: The most drink cans placed on the head using air suction - 11 by Shunichi Kanno (Japan) 🇯🇵His nickname is canhead for a reason 😂

Shunichi Kanno, 31, set the record in 2009 in this manner by placing nine drink cans on his head. His record was later beaten by Jamie "Canhead" Keeton, who repeated the feat with ten cans.

Kanno recovered the record by increasing the bet to eleven cans. He claimed that learning to create air suction on his temples was the key to boosting his can total.

"You make a wrinkle on your skin and then put a can there. Push the can hard on your head to relax your wrinkle," Kanno told Guinness World Records. "The air pressure between the can and the skin is reduced, and the can should stick like a suction cup."


To break this record, each can must be kept in place solely by the air pressure caused by the air trapped between the can's base and the challenger's head. All cans must be fastened to the head for at least five seconds.

Unlike previous record holder Jamie Keeton, Kanno does not believe he has any skin condition that allows him to execute this feat.Jamie has a rare, unnamed illness that causes his skin pores to absorb more oxygen than usual, causing his body to function as a magnet.


He soon realised he could attach cans to his head, and the rest, as they say, is history. With a surname like Kanno, it can only be fate that he has developed this extraordinary talent.

Kanno not only places cans on his head but can also connect them to his torso! He broke the record for the most beverage cans--totalling 20--placed on the body using air suction in 2020. He discovered many locations on his body where cans stick "pretty well" through trial and error.

However, he finds that more challenging than placing cans on his head.


Kanno enjoys displaying his extraordinary talent at the numerous bars in Tokyo's Shinjuku Golden Gai neighbourhood, his favourite place to drink. "When I walk around with my official certificate, people get excited and ask me to perform the trick."

"I get a lot of kicks out of entertaining them," he says.

Kanno was in awe when he initially broke the record, and he's just as thrilled to have reclaimed it.

"Everyone has their unique traits," he advises anyone attempting a world record. If you find anything like that, nurture it and figure out what you can do with it. Then you might come up with some excellent ideas for breaking records."

What do you think about it? Do let us know in the comments.

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